Sunday, March 14, 2010

Roots & Wings Design

every now and again it's nice to get out of Sydney… On this particular Saturday morning we were headed for Berry, a town about 2 hours south of Sydney that also happens to be the definition of cute. We were walking down the main street discussing our recent lack of excitement over shopping in Sydney… when we stumbled upon Roots & Wings. You know those shops that you would describe as a ‘shopping experience’? The ones that have a certain vibe that just makes you want to spend hours in them? Well, Roots & Wings was one of those shops. As we walked in, I felt an instant unexplainable urge to try on EVERYTHING! And what I couldn’t try on, I wanted to touch, sit on, open, or at least take a photo of… :)

Who: Roots & Wings Design
Where: 83 Queen Street, Berry, NSW 2535
What: Ginger & Smart, Camilla and Marc, Lover, Bassike and many more + lots of quirky and cool stuff for your home
Why: because it’s nice to try something different


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